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of Expertise

Laura Bassi
  • Center of Ocular Inflammation & Infection

OCUVAC's main objective is to develop a vaccine against trachoma, the world's leading cause of preventrable blindness.


Learn more about OCUVAC here.

OCUVACs scientific team members.

As one of the Laura Bassi Centre's of Expertise, financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth (BMWFJ) and implemented by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), OCUVAC aspires to contribute to the eradication of Trachoma.



  • Develop a preventive and therapeutic vaccine against eye- blinding trachoma. 

  • Encourage impulses by women in research and innovation. 

  • Adress gender equity through services provided and within the organisation.

  • Promote an innovative research culture close to industry, based on interdisciplinarity and diversity.

  • Strenghten capacities of our partner institutions to encourage research on the ground.

International Cooperation Partners

Research in the area of neglected diseases such as trachoma relies on collaboration and scientific exchange. To achieve the goals of OCUVAC several international cooperations were established and different cooperation partners from disease-endemic countries as well as institutions from other parts of the world are supporting the work of the OCUVAC team.

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